We’re proud to announce that Madestones ‘Mellow Collection’ has been nominated as the Collections of the Year 2020 Fashion Jewellery finalist by Professional Jeweller, one of the industry’s most coveted awards in the UK.
This nomination is a reward for our commitment to constantly improve and offer our customers innovative products that will help them to differentiate themselves from the competition and grow their business forward.
We need your support, please VOTE NOW !
How To Vote
Simply click on the below link and cast your vote by selecting the Madestones tick box in the category ‘Fashion Jewellery Collection of the Year’ (5th category) and then click the ‘Submit’ button at the end. Voting is valid until the end of current week only. Don’t wait !!!
Two click to vote is all it takes!
Voting closes on Friday November 6 at 5pm. The winner will be announced in the December issue of the Professional Jeweller magazine.
We thank you in advance for your time and ongoing support this year.
The innovative MELLOW COLLECTION features beautiful and lightweight lab-grown diamond jewellery pieces which shine bright, while having an affordable price tag. It includes an elegant diamond Cross, an upgraded Classic Tennis Bracelet, a beautiful diamond Ring, a versatile Choker and dazzling diamond Earrings.
Incorporating the finest quality, Madestones lab-grown diamonds of D-F color and VS clarity, with the help of customized laser welding technologies, these diamond jewellery pieces mix strength and sparkle in equal measures.